17th May

Hey folks,

Such a lush day today. Had a really nice lay in, then went for a 3 mile walk with the hubby. No phones, just us and nature. Was really nice. Then after lunch I did some gardening; cleared the weeds from the front flower bed and the patio out back. Looks so much better now, so am proud of my accomplishments.

This afternoon I’ve had a lush hot bath and hair wash, so feeling all clean and fresh now. Mood is still good after my boxing yesterday too! So that’s a bonus!!

Now waiting for dinner to cook, my favourite pasta bake! Nom nom. And laughing at hubby swearing at the Xbox haha. It’s rather amusing….

Not sure really what else to say, as done nowt else worth writing about! Lazy Sunday’s rock, especially when you know you have a whole week of lazy still to enjoy! Aside from the gym of course! I’ll still be hitting that hard 🙂

Well, as there’s nothing left to talk about I shall leave it there and go continue to chillax on the sofa! Hope you’re all having a great weekend, and thank you for reading! Take care, stay strong and until next time….

x Sara Phoenix x

19th April

Hey folks,

Enjoying a nice chilled out day today; went for a short walk with hubby, but the rest of the time has been spent relaxing at home. We’ve watched the BTCC and I did some sketching –



Time well spent 🙂

Today is a rest day from the gym/exercise, apart from the walk haha. I like to be active-ish on rest days too, especially as it’s weigh in day tomorrow! Am drinking green tea like it’s going out of fashion today haha. I’ve been quite well behaved diet wise this week, so am hoping for a loss, even if it’s just 1lb I’ll be happy.

This afternoon I tried avocado for the first time; can’t say I’m a fan! I tried it with smoked paprika mixed in with it, and it still tasted very bland. Maybe I’ll try it with something else and give it a second chance….

I’m trying to get onto my new diet plan as much as possible, and try new things. I’m snacking on fruit instead of chocolate, and trying to have healthy meals too. So I’m a lot better than I was; but it’s hard on such a tight budget all the time. Definitely missing hubby’s bonuses, so hopefully it’ll pick up soon and he’ll start getting them again.

We seem to live on the same things, pasta, potatoes and pizza. It’s not good. After this coming week, the shopping will reflect my new diet. Hubby is willing to eat the same as me, as he wants to lose a few pounds too. So that makes it easier; it’s just buying the healthy stuff that is hard, as it’s always more expensive than the convenience stuff (and they wonder why there’s so many obese people….). Will do my best though 🙂

I’m looking forward to Zumba tomorrow evening with my gym buddy; should be a good workout. Have done it once and loved it, but this is with a different instructor. Will let you know how it goes!

We’re back to Rock Choir this week too! Yay! 3 weeks is a long time to be without my music therapy! So can’t wait to get back.

Anyway, time for dinner now, and then I’m planning a nice hot bath and relaxing some more, ready for the week ahead! Thanks for reading, as always! Take care, stay strong, and until next time….


x Sara Phoenix x