1st July

Hey folks,

Feeling a little better today thankfully; guess it was just one of those days yesterday! Being tired didn’t help, although I didn’t get enough sleep, it seems to have done the trick with my mood. Woke up feeling okay, still a little low, but not as bad as last night.

This morning my Musclefood delivery came nice and early, so it meant I didn’t have to wait in all day for it, which was good!


It’s filled my freezer up nicely, and I have so much chicken now it’s unreal haha. A 5kg of the stuff! It’s too hot today for hot food though, so we’re having cold (pre-prepared) chicken and salad for dinner tonight. I’m really struggling to get the calories in today as I just don’t really have an appetite when it’s so hot. 32 degrees C to be precise! So maybe there were right about the heatwave after all! I never trust the weather people these days….

Used my Breville blend active for the first time today, to make a smoothie for breakfast – Berry and banana – it was really nice! I’m really impressed with it, and can’t wait to try more flavour combo’s. Here’s my lush breakfast today –


Recipe: 80g frozen mixed berries, 1 banana chopped and 300ml of Almond milk. Lush!

After my food was delivered, I decided it was too hot to get the bus to the gym; I melted on there yesterday going to town, so couldn’t face doing it again in even hotter temperatures. So I worked out at home instead. Don’t worry I wasn’t going to miss a workout, haha! I did Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones again; it’s a brutal workout and I end up a really sweaty mess, but I love it! Burns so many calories as it’s circuit training, so my calorie burn in 55 minutes was 615! Nice!

I re-fueled with some scrambled eggs and salad, topped with smoked paprika, yum!



Thought I’d share my food today, haha. Yes I know, I’m random!

Tonight I plan on doing as little as possible; probably watch tv with the hubby and chill out. I’m feeling exhausted to be honest. The heat really takes it out of me, I’m not so keen on it really. I much prefer the cooler spring and even autumn. I’m not really a summer kinda girl!

I’m yet to start reading my quit smoking book, but I will do. May do that tonight actually…. who knows! I really do want to quit, but for some reason there’s also something stopping me, and I can’t quite work out what that is!

I’m also still waiting for Student Finance to look at my evidence and approve my loan! It’s taking forever, or so it feels! I check on-line every day hoping to see the status has changed, but so far it hasn’t. Still keeps saying they need my evidence, which I’ve already sent in! Fingers crossed I’ll know by the end of the week! I’ll get a good indication when they return my birth certificate I guess!

Just really want to get started on my course!! Can’t wait!!!!

Anyway, it’s dinner time for me now so I’ll leave it there for today. It feels like the laptop is melting into my legs as well, so I need to get it off haha! Thanks for reading as always folks, you’re all legends! Take care, stay strong and until next time….

x Sara Phoenix x